10 May 2022, Webinar – Indicators to Assess Resilience of Cooling in Buildings
15:00 Europe/Brussels

Well-insulated and air-tight buildings are known to be vulnerable to overheating. An increase in the severity and duration of heatwaves is expected, resulting in more severe overheating risks, affecting in turn the health and mortality of building users. To achieve more future-proof buildings, it is crucial to design buildings that are “resilient” to overheating in future climate conditions.

It is the motivation of IEA EBC Annex 80 “Resilient Cooling of Buildings” to develop, assess, and communicate active and passive solutions of resilient cooling and overheating protection. Resilience was defined and indicators were developed to assess the resilience of cooling technologies in subtask A “Fundamentals”. Moreover, shocks like heatwaves were defined for all climate zones around the world. Subtask B “Solutions” systematically assessed the benefits, limitations, and performance indicators of resilient cooling solutions. In addition, specific R&D towards new developments and improvements of resilient cooling and overheating protection solutions was carried out. Subtask C “Field Studies” showed the opportunities and benefits of resilient cooling through the analysis and evaluation of well-documented applications. Finally, subtask D “Policy Actions” dealt with policy related endeavors, promoting energy efficiency and resilience in cooling.

This series of 4 webinars presented the results of IEA EBC Annex 80 on:

This series of  webinars was organized by INIVE EEIG with the support of the IEA EBC Annex 80 Resilient Cooling of Buildings and the venticool platform, and in cooperation with the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre.

Programme (Brussels time)

  • 15:00 | Introduction to Annex 80, AIVC, venticool, Philipp Stern on behalf of Peter Holzer - OA EBC Annex 80, Institute of Building Research & Innovation, Austria | Slides, Recordings
  • 15:05 | Definitions of resilient cooling of buildings & overview of indicators to assess resilience, Philipp Stern on behalf of ​Peter Holzer - OA EBC Annex 80, Institute of Building Research & Innovation, Austria | Slides, Recordings
  • 15:25 | Thermal resilient buildings: How to be quantified? A novel benchmarking framework and labelling metric, Mohamed Hamdy - Associate Professor, NTNU, Norway | Slides, Recordings
  • 15:40 | Example of indicators and application to vulnerable buildings, Abdelaziz Laouadi - NRC, Canada | Slides, Recordings
  • 15:55 | Questions and answers | Recordings
  • 16:15 | End of webinar

For further information please scroll down to download the slides & flyer and view the recordings.